Identification and description
County: Nottinghamshire
District: Gedling (District Authority)
Parish: Papplewick
County: Nottinghamshire
District: Gedling (District Authority)
Parish: Ravenshead
Localisation Latitude: 53.063108
Longitude: -1.1314807
National Grid Reference: SK 58300 52115
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label.localisation [53.0623524304694,-1.1304409386153], [53.0621977200883,-1.13051673981676], [53.0622318124207,-1.13096048515808], [53.0623067860195,-1.13182305537469], [53.0623809993886,-1.13272032341504], [53.0628539317249,-1.13260839882696], [53.063268238314,-1.13250921427993], [53.0640183290683,-1.1323256236893], [53.0639808648116,-1.13190692263806], [53.063892898588,-1.13091087110722], [53.0638716139714,-1.13063174884135], [53.0638643103771,-1.13058563491872], [53.0637133878142,-1.13049944931157], [53.0635206316256,-1.13040751067834], [53.0632571720363,-1.13031037090166], [53.0630506683293,-1.130245138843], [53.0628496720865,-1.13025084271839], [53.0626887886008,-1.13029868567735], [53.0625964199002,-1.13032533181684], [53.0623524304694,-1.1304409386153]
Overview Heritage Category: Park and Garden
Grade: II
List Entry Number: 1001339
Date first listed: 10-Jul-1995
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


The grounds of a pumping station, laid out in the early 1880s.
Papplewick Pumping Station was laid out between 1881 and 1884 by the Nottingham Corporation Water Department, the first building for which the Corporation was responsible after they took over the city's water provision from a private water company. It is one of three late C19 stations which served Nottingham and is now (2000) a working museum.
LOCATION, AREA, BOUNDARIES, LANDFORM, SETTING Papplewick Pumping Station (scheduled ancient monument) stands to the south of Lonsdale Lane in the parish of Papplewick, to the north of the city of Nottingham, in an area dominated by large coniferous forestry plantations. It occupies a c 3ha flat site which is enclosed by a brick boundary wall and is bounded to north, west, and south by farmland and to the east by a small country road.
ENTRANCES AND APPROACHES The main entrance to Papplewick Pumping Station is via the gateway in the brick boundary wall (listed grade II) at the north-east corner of the site. A pair of cast-iron gates hang between piers with carved ashlar capitals, flanked by a pair of wicket gates. From here a straight drive runs west past the superintendent's house, which was erected in 1883 (listed grade II), and the north end of the cooling pond, then curves round to the south to arrive at the north side of the station buildings. There is secondary entrance at the southern end of the site from where a drive leads through a pair of gates and piers past the deputy's (and now the custodian's) house (1884, listed grade II).
PRINCIPAL BUILDING The main buildings, comprising the engine house, boiler house, and workshop (all listed grade II*), together with boiler house chimney, smithy, stable, and cartshed (all listed grade II), form a complex in the north-west quarter of the site and were built to designs by the Corporation engineer, M Ogle Tarbotton, between 1881 and 1884, in a Gothic Revival style.
OTHER LAND The gardens surrounding the station lie to the east and south-east of the buildings and consist of lawns, beds, and a large formal cooling pond. The pond, which dominates the eastern half of the site, has a central cast-iron fountain basin. A walk leads round the periphery of the pond, which is supported by a substantial embankment to north, south, and east. The path is accompanied by shrubberies which divide the pond from the broad, straight walk which runs between it and the station buildings to the west. A late C20 electrical pumping control house has been installed below the embankment on the east side of the pond.
The south-west quarter of the site is occupied by woodland planted mainly with conifers and contains a late C20 visitor's amenity centre, a boiler house, and a workshop. Beyond is the Linby Winding Engine, in full working order. This part of the site is shown as an open area on the 1920 edition of the OS 6" map.
Country Life, no 21 (21 May 1992), pp 66(9 N Pevsner and E Williamson, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire (2nd edn 1979), p 289 Papplewick Pumping Station, guidebook, (Papplewick Association 1993)
Maps OS 6" to 1 mile: 3rd edition published 1920
Description written: May 2000 Register Inspector: EMP Edited: January 2002


This garden or other land is registered under the Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments Act 1953 within the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens by Historic England for its special historic interest.